America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

America's #1 Balance Bike Destination
America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

Friday, January 18, 2008

M1 Racing Roster

A recent comment requesting that we announce the names of all members of our new team cannot be fulfilled until all of said team members agree not to take issue with the announcement of their names on this site.
I will say this much.. The initial "H" is now replaced with the initial "D".. the initial "R" is added with an asterisk.. and all initials are of first names. That's all we can announce right now.


Anonymous said...

That sure is a lot of gold there Murat.
I can't wait to call S the Golden Boy. Or maybe when you guys break away you can shout things like... "I am a gold god!!!"

Looks good.
Good luck.

Anonymous said...

why bother announcing nothing?

IMA said...

Wite Nite: Thank you for the kind words.

Anonymous: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're question/remark is sincere.

In a previous post, someone expressed curiosity about the members of the team.. Being at work at the time that I read said comment, I could not comment in reply- Blogger is blocked at work. Eager to answer the commenter, I did the one thing I was able to: send a new posting to the blog via e-mail. Needless to say, the team now includes ten racers, but I've never asked any of them how they feel about being called by full name here. I highly doubt anyone will mind, but who am I to make assumptions? Privacy is a serious matter.

Anonymous said...

'anonymous' here...
my question was sincere. i read your blog a bit. my critique was the big build up then... phhhht. Nothing.

just constructive criticism. you have many loyal followers anticipating what you write. my suggestion is don't build it up then put essentially nothing.

i would have mentioned to the team that i would be posting names or i wouldn't have said that i would online.

inquiring minds need to know.

now i am torqued... ;) i'm going to kick your team's butt on the road this year and have them lying on the side of the road crying like babies!!! ;P (i hope you note, that previous comment was in good fun!)

at any rate, good luck w/ the new squad. i look forward to battling with y'all on the road.

IMA said...

Big Crank,
Point taken..
When I'm lying on the side of the road crying, how will I know who was responsible for ripping my legs off? If you're going to talk smack at least tell us who you are.
Let's compare notes at the end of the season, okay? Or if it interests you, tell us who you are and we'll check for ourselves at USAC whether your 2007 results back up any of that big talk! :P